Smart Access Management in Home Care
The marginal gain theory

I will kick in some open doors. We all now we have a worldwide problem in the aging population.
Living longer at home will not be a choice but an obligation.
By 2030, in Belgium, 1.6M people will be more than 65 years old. Luckely not everyone will need help... But it also means that current caregivers will leave the job market. The challenges will be huge
Next to this, people need to leave the hospitals earlier. In Belgium, it has been decided 200000 extra surgeries will be added to the list of the ones without an overnight stay in the hospital.
This means the pressure on home care will increase massively.
The marginal gain theory
Follow me in my calculation of the marginal gains.
I had some calls with caregivers and they told me they have between 15 & 30 visits a day, with an average time of 15 to 20min. They spend an avarage of 2 – 5 min at the front door.
Some of them have a keybox, but even then it takes them about 3 minutes as they need to find it, search for the code, open the keybox, open the door,… (and we don't take into consideration the lost time of putting the key back)
What if we could lower the time to almost 0?
This would mean an average gain of 45 minutes a day per caregiver.
What can a caregiver do with 45 minutes?
Spend it at higher quality visits
You can have 2/3 additional visits
More communication with other caregivers
Extra health monitoring
How we save the 45 minutes?
By using SPAM, a "Smart Physical Acces Management" platform.
You can install any smart lock and link it to Sfinx.
Via the Sfinx application access can be granted to a service organisation.
The service organisation has an administration portal to organize the accessmanagement in the most efficient way.
The care giver can access the home of the patient without the intervenience of the patient or an informal caregiver.
All of this in an easy and secure way with respect to the autonomy of the patient.

Sfinx is changing the game in home care, making access easy and stress-free. Service organisations save precious time, while patients get a worry free and more personalized experience.