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Sfinx app Smartphone

Test our Smart Access Solution

Take control, experience simplicity, and ensure peace of mind.

Ready to elevate? Test our solution today.

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Test and transform: your feedback shapes our Smart Access Solution

We encourage you to test our smart access management platform to experience its effectiveness firsthand. Your feedback helps us make it seamless, secure, and user-friendly, just the way you need it.


We offer you a

Special deal!

Curious on how a smart lock works? This is your chance! By accepting our testing proposal, we offer you a high discount on the smart lock! 


Get a discount of our partner Foodbag! 

Together with the Belgian meal box supplier Foodbag, which supplies 12,000 meal boxes with local food every week
we introduced a pilot project around in-house delivery. You are able to be in the testing program. In return you get a discounted lock and we can offer you a special voucher for your foodbag purchase!

How does it work?

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I want to join the testing program,
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